Can You Bring Toothpaste On A Plane?

Can You Bring Toothpaste On A Plane?

When it comes to flying, we understand the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene. That’s why we want to clarify the rules regarding toothpaste on a plane. So, can you bring toothpaste on a plane?

The answer is yes, but there are some regulations you need to follow. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) allows toothpaste in carry-on luggage, as long as it is in containers of 3.4 ounces (100ml) or less. This rule applies to most U.S. airlines, and it is also followed by many airlines worldwide. If your toothpaste exceeds this volume, it should be placed in checked baggage.

For easy screening at security checkpoints, it’s recommended to place your toothpaste in a clear bag.

Key Takeaways:

  • Toothpaste is permitted in carry-on luggage if it is in containers of 3.4 ounces (100ml) or less.
  • If your toothpaste exceeds the allowed volume, it should be placed in checked baggage.
  • Most U.S. airlines and many airlines worldwide adhere to the 3.4-ounce rule.
  • For convenient screening, place your toothpaste in a clear bag.
  • Remember to check with your specific airline and country for any additional guidelines.

TSA Regulations for Toiletries

When it comes to traveling with toothpaste, it’s essential to understand the TSA rules and liquid restrictions for toothpaste. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has specific regulations in place to ensure the safety and security of air travel.

The 3-1-1 liquids rule is an important guideline to keep in mind. It allows travelers to bring a quart-sized bag of liquids, including toothpaste, in containers of 3.4 ounces or less per item. This rule applies to various forms of toiletries, such as liquids, aerosols, gels, creams, and pastes.

It’s important to note that all the items must fit into one clear plastic, quart-sized, and resealable bag per passenger. This allows for easy screening at the security checkpoint. Make sure to place your toothpaste and other toiletries in this bag to follow the TSA regulations correctly.

While the TSA provides general guidelines, it’s always a good idea to check with your specific airline for any additional restrictions or guidelines they may have in place. This information can typically be found on the airline’s website or by directly contacting their customer service.

Toothpaste Size for Air Travel

When it comes to packing toothpaste for air travel, it’s important to be aware of the size restrictions. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) allows toothpaste in carry-on luggage as long as it is in containers of 3.4 ounces (100ml) or less.

If your toothpaste tube exceeds this limit, it should be placed in checked baggage instead. To make things easier, we recommend purchasing travel-sized toothpaste tubes that are less than 100ml. These can be found at most pharmacies and are affordable. By adhering to the toothpaste size limit, you can breeze through security checkpoints without any hassles.

Traveling with Toothpaste: Packing Tips

When preparing for air travel, it is essential to pack your toothpaste properly to comply with the restrictions and ensure a hassle-free journey. Here are some guidelines for packing toothpaste for your flight:

  1. Put toothpaste in a plastic bag: To prevent leaks or messes in your luggage, place your toothpaste in a small plastic bag. This will keep it contained and protect other items from any potential spills.
  2. Separate toothpaste from liquids: To avoid accidental leakage, consider placing your toothpaste in a separate pouch or securing it with other non-liquid toiletries. This will help prevent any unwanted messes in your luggage.
  3. Adhere to size restrictions: Whether you choose to pack your toothpaste in your checked baggage or carry-on, make sure it complies with the size restrictions set by the airline and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Most airlines follow the TSA’s guidelines of containers with a maximum capacity of 3.4 ounces (100ml) or less. Anything larger should be packed in checked baggage.
  4. Check country-specific regulations: Remember to check the toothpaste guidelines for each country you are visiting, as regulations may vary. It’s always best to be aware of any additional requirements to avoid surprises at security checkpoints.

By following these packing tips, you can ensure that your toothpaste is secure, easily accessible, and in compliance with the required regulations for air travel. Enjoy your trip while maintaining your dental hygiene!

Toothpaste and Airport Security

When it comes to traveling with toothpaste, it’s important to understand the regulations and guidelines set by airport security. To ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey, here are some key things to keep in mind:

1. Size Restrictions:

When carrying toothpaste in your carry-on bag, it must comply with the size restrictions set by the TSA. The toothpaste should be in containers of 3.4 ounces (100ml) or less. If you have packed more toothpaste than the allowed amount, security personnel may ask you to discard the excess or transfer it to your checked baggage.

2. Prescription Toothpaste:

Prescribed toothpaste, such as medicated or special oral care products, may be exempt from the size restrictions. However, it is crucial to declare these products and provide supporting documentation, such as a doctor’s prescription or medical document, during the security check.

3. Compliance with Rules:

To avoid any issues during the security check, it is essential to follow the rules and guidelines set by airport security. Make sure your toothpaste is packed properly and easily accessible for inspection. Adhering to these regulations contributes to a smooth travel experience.

4. Checked Baggage:

If you have toothpaste that exceeds the allowed size limit, it is advisable to pack it in your checked baggage. This ensures that you comply with the size restrictions and prevents any complications during the security check.

Remember, maintaining good oral hygiene is vital, even while traveling. By understanding and adhering to the rules regarding toothpaste and airport security, you can ensure a pleasant journey without compromising your dental health.

Why are there Size Limits for Toothpaste?

The size limits for toothpaste and other liquids on airplanes are in place for security reasons. These limitations aim to prevent the smuggling of potentially hazardous substances onto planes.

The 3.4-ounce limit addresses the concern of liquid explosives or other dangerous substances being brought on board. By restricting the size of toothpaste containers, airport security can minimize the risk of these substances being concealed and transported.

Additionally, the requirement to place liquids in a clear plastic bag allows for more efficient screening procedures at airport checkpoints. This allows security personnel to easily identify and inspect the contents of carry-on luggage, ensuring the safety of all passengers.

Traveling with Toothpaste in Check-in Luggage

To avoid any issues, it is advisable to place toothpaste in your check-in luggage. This ensures that you comply with the size restrictions imposed by the TSA and other airlines.

However, for longer flights or trips, we recommend keeping a travel-sized toothpaste tube (less than 100ml) in a see-through bag in your carry-on. This allows you to easily access it during the flight or upon arrival at your destination.

Brushing, flossing, and rinsing your mouth regularly during long flights can help maintain your oral health. Having toothpaste readily available in your carry-on ensures that you can maintain good dental hygiene even while traveling.


Traveling with toothpaste on a plane is a breeze when you follow the TSA’s size restrictions. Make sure your toothpaste is in a container of 3.4 ounces (100ml) or less and placed in a clear bag for easy screening at security checkpoints.

Remember to pack your toothpaste properly to prevent any leaks or messes in your luggage.

By adhering to the regulations and guidelines, you can have a smooth and stress-free journey while maintaining your dental hygiene. It’s always a good idea to check with your specific airline and destination country for any additional guidelines to ensure a hassle-free travel experience.

So, next time you fly, don’t forget to pack your travel-sized toothpaste and prioritize your dental health while flying. Safe travels!


Can you bring toothpaste on a plane?

Yes, toothpaste is permitted on a plane, but there are regulations to follow.

What are the TSA regulations for toiletries?

The TSA allows toothpaste in carry-on luggage as long as it is in containers of 3.4 ounces (100ml) or less. This applies to U.S. airlines, and most airlines worldwide also follow these rules.

What is the size limit for toothpaste in air travel?

The size limit for toothpaste in air travel is 3.4 ounces (100ml) or less. Tubes of toothpaste that are larger than this should be placed in checked baggage.

Any tips for traveling with toothpaste?

It’s recommended to buy travel-sized toothpaste tubes (less than 100ml) for convenience and to avoid any issues at security checkpoints. Toothpaste should be put in a plastic bag to prevent leaks or messes.

Can I bring toothpaste in a carry-on bag?

Yes, toothpaste can be brought in a carry-on bag as long as it complies with the size restrictions set by the TSA.

Why are there size limits for toothpaste?

The size limits for toothpaste and other liquids on airplanes are in place for security reasons. These limitations aim to prevent the smuggling of potentially hazardous substances onto planes.

Can I pack toothpaste in check-in luggage?

Yes, toothpaste can be packed in check-in luggage. However, for longer flights or trips, it’s recommended to keep a travel-sized toothpaste tube (less than 100ml) in a see-through bag in your carry-on for easy access.